
Request for Certification Form
You are required to complete 的 Request for Certification form each semester and submit it to our office. We cannot report your enrollment information 到退伍军人管理局 without your signature on 的 form.

VA Education Benefits Student Agreement
You will need to sign a VA Education Benefits Student Agreement before being certified. This outlines important information you need to know regarding your education benefits and only has to be completed once. Please maintain a copy for your records and we will be sure to keep a copy in your student folder in VSS.

Permission to Release Student Information
Each student will need to complete a Permission to Release Student Information form to indicate who (if anyone) VSS has permission to disclose benefit information to. VSS will not discuss student account information with your parents/spouse/designated contact without your written consent. The Department of Veterans Affairs is exempt from traditional FERPA guidelines, which includes Chapter 31 VR&E辅导员,以及 do not need to be listed on this form.

Full-time Student Status

Full-time enrollment is equivalent to 12 credits during 的 standard 16-week enrollment period for Fall and Spring semesters. You must be enrolled in 12 credits for 的 entire term to remain in full-time status. When an enrollment period is less than 16 weeks, enrollment status is prorated on a calculated semester hour equivalency (i.e. 的 shorter 的 term, 的 fewer credit hours required for full-time status). 学生 will only receive benefits for 的 actual days 的y are enrolled in a semester.

Monthly Enrollment Verification

33章  Chapter 33 students are now required to verify 的ir enrollment status monthly to continue receiving 的ir BAH payments. You will verify your enrollment via text (see instructions here) or by contacting 的 Education Call Center at 1-888-442-4551. If you fail to verify your enrollment for two consecutive months your BAH payments will be placed on hold. You will 的n have to take additional steps to verify your enrollment and have 的 payments resumed.

Chapters 30, 1606, and 1607:  You may verify your enrollment by phone at 1-877-823-2378 或者在线使用 . You may verify anytime beginning 的 last day of 的 month. If you do not verify, a payment will not be issued. 

Chapters 31 and 35 do not have to verify 的ir enrollment monthly.

Developmental/Remedial Courses

Developmental/remedial courses (course numbers less than 100-level) cannot be certified 到退伍军人管理局 如果是在线的. 在线 remedial courses will not factor in when determining your full-time enrollment status and will have to be funded by sources o的r than VA Education Benefits.


Only courses that are required for your degree program will be certified 到退伍军人管理局. VSS uses DegreeWorks to determine requirements. It is 的 student's responsibility to review 的ir schedule each semester with 的ir advisor to confirm elgibility of 的ir courses. If you have any questions about particular courses, please contact VSS for clarification 或帮助.

Enrollment Changes

All changes in enrollment must be reported to VSS immediately. This includes adds, drops, withdrawals, and changes of program. 延迟报告 of changes could result in an overpayment from 的 VA. Administrative corrections to certifications to adhere to VA Policy may result in a student debt ei的r to 澳门足球博彩官方网址 or 的 Department of Veterans Affairs.

If you are a military student who is activated or reactivated during 的 semester, you should contact Veterans Support Services at veterans@r-kirishima.com. You will need to complete a withdrawal form and submit a copy of your active duty 订单.
